Michelle DeBolt

"Making Things Better for Generations To Come"

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My name is Michelle DeBolt (LaFave), and it is with great enthusiasm that I introduce myself as a candidate for the Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee – District 1 Representative position.

Married to Robert LaFave, Jr., and blessed with a daughter, Siera Lafave, aged twenty-five, my commitment to family and community is deeply ingrained. Our family, which includes six grandchildren—three of whom we have had the privilege of adopting, namely Darren (16), Mariella (11), and RealEyes (7)—is a source of inspiration and motivation for my pursuit of public service.

My decision to enter the realm of Candidacy has been influenced significantly by the legacy of my late parents, Pete and Pat Defoe. My father served as the former Sec/Treas. and Chairman of the Reservation, while my mother, Pat, dedicated over two decades to Indian Education as a teacher in the Cloquet School district. Additionally, my late sister, Stephanie Hammitt, held the esteemed position of President of the Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. Their impactful contributions to our community have laid the groundwork for my own aspirations in public service.

I approach this candidacy with a profound sense of honor and a commitment to fostering positive change within our community. Rooted in the values of collaboration, transparency, and innovation, my vision is centered on cultivating a community that grows together. As a third-generation member engaged in band politics, I bring a unique perspective that combines tradition with a fresh vision for the future.

My mission is to create a platform where every voice is not only heard but valued—an inclusive environment that transcends generational boundaries. Together, we can focus on sustainable economic growth, transparent governance, and innovative solutions that address the challenges we face as a community. I firmly believe in the power of collaboration and inclusive leadership to shape a legacy of progress and resilience for our community.

As your representative, my dedication extends beyond the immediate term, and I am committed to making decisions that positively impact future generations. I invite you to join me in this endeavor, as together, we can make a difference that resonates through the generations. Let us work collaboratively to shape a legacy of progress, resilience, and prosperity for our community.

Thank you for considering my candidacy, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve you and our community.

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