Larry and crew combine early country, Americana, pop, and Tex-Mex styles to create a neotraditional “cowpunk” sound. Larry first performed as a solo artist in 2014 in Saint Paul, MN, and by 2017, he decided to take his act out with a full band. Eight distinguished years into their genre-bending career, they have headlined festivals, are frequent headliners for rodeos in the Midwest, and are even a fixture at local festivals and street dances across Minnesota and Wisconsin. They released their debut album “”Smooches Gracias”” to critical acclaim, a follow-up album titled “Tequila Mockingbird” which has seen much terrestrial radio play, and were 2019 and 2021 Midwest CMA Awards nominees.
So call them what you will…” neo-classic country”, or “new fashioned hillbilly” – it’s all the same to them. They are all dedicated to holding the torch for traditional American ”roots music”, while at the same time looking to forge new ground and express their own musical vision.
Their debut album “Smooches Gracias” is available on their website, at shows, and via all major digital retailers worldwide. Their sophomore album “Tequila Mockingbird”, which received fantastic reviews, is also available at all major digital retailers and their website at this following LINK.
Their exciting live show combines radio-friendly originals and the most danceable Top 40 classics from the “Golden Age of Country” to ever grace the radio! Whether you find them at a street dance, large venue, or roadside honky-tonk, you’re looking at a sweaty night of broken heels and spendy bar tabs.